Ever feel like you need to unbuckle your jeans after your meal to swap them out for the baggiest sweatpants you’ve got? And then still end up looking and feeling like you are about to have a food baby? This bloating can be caused by the types of food that you eat.
So before you run off to your closet in search of those loose clothes. Let’s take a look at some foods that can make things worse and some that can ease your bloat.

These Foods Will Bloat You
If you could only eat one food item for the rest of your life, what would it be? One of the most common answers is bread.
Unfortunately, many bread products are made using wheat, and wheat contains gluten to which some people are intolerant. Wheat is also a significant source of Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols. You’re probably thinking, that sounds way too complicated. Well, simply put, FODMAPs are just short-chain carbohydrates that are indigestible or poorly absorbed by certain people. Thus they can cause bloating and other discomforts.
If you simply can’t live without bread or pizza. There are plenty of gluten-free substitutes to wheat such as rice flour, almond flour, and many more.
Ever hear people sing, “Beans, beans the magical fruit the more you eat, the more you toot”? Well, they’re not wrong.
Yes, legumes such as beans and lentils are super healthy for you as they are high in protein, fiber, and healthy carbs. But the high fiber and FODMAPs contents can cause bloating, discomfort, and gas, especially for those who don’t usually eat a lot of fiber.
If you are going to eat legumes, try soaking them beforehand, eating them in smaller portions, or choosing the easier types for digestion like pinto beans or black beans.
Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous veggies, yes, the name sounds like they would be miniature carnivore veggies ready to attack you, but in reality, they are not that scary.
Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and arugula are cruciferous veggies. Why, yes, those are all healthy veggies that have a lot of nutrients like iron, potassium, fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin K. These veggies may be easier digested when cooked. Still, since they all contain FODMAPs, you may experience bloating.

Dairy products
Milk products too? Yes, another item that is considered healthy but may cause you to bloat.
Dairy is, in fact, an excellent source of protein and calcium. But it is estimated that a whopping 68% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant. If you find yourself having problems digesting dairy products, avoid them.
But if you don’t want to cut dairy entirely, you could try enzyme supplements that may help your body break down lactose. Not to mention there are also plenty of dairy-free milk alternatives such as oat milk and coconut milk.
Carbonated drinks
Flatten your drink choices. Those fizzy bubbles in your pop will inflate you.
Carbonated drinks contain carbon dioxide, and if you drink them, you will swallow large amounts of this gas. It’ll get trapped in the digestive system. Intern, this will then cause your bloat.
If you are really craving pop and can’t fully give up those bubbles then try to atleast stay away from the surgery pop and have a sparkling water instead. If it’s not about the bubbles for you and it’s about the sweetness then try some 100% real fruit juices not from concentrate instead.
These Foods Will Deflate You
Yogurt and kefir
Yes, we did just accuse dairy products of being a potential bloating cause. Fortunately, yogurt and kefir have discluded themselves from the “let’s get bloated” party. These two can actually have reversing effects.
Yogurt contains probiotics that have been shown to improve digestive health. The high potassium count in yogurt can also help reduce bloating. Hopefully, you already guessed that this does not include sweet, sugary froyos.
Yogurt’s robust cousin, kefir, is tangy. It’s a fermented drink containing lactase which is an enzyme that breaks down lactose. Drinking it can help reduce digestion symptoms like gas, stomach pain, and bloating.
Do you prefer your asparagus white or with a green suntan? Green asparagus grown above ground gets its color from the sun. In contrast, white asparagus is grown underground, thus the lack of color.
But both types of asparagus come from the same plant and are known to be one of the best foods for reducing bloating. They are rich in both amino acids and probiotics and can better your overall gut health.
Tomayto, tomahto? Botanically it’s a fruit, but nutritionally it’s considered a vegetable. Regardless of which you choose to call them, tomatoes are a great addition to your diet.
Tomatoes are full of potassium and contain high levels of lycopene, an antioxidant that has been shown to have de-bloating effects. Rather than eating raw tomatoes, you can unlock more lycopene by cooking them.
No surprise that this berry made it onto the list. It’s full of nutrients. However, it may be a surprise to learn that a pineapple is not a pine or an apple – it is a berry.
Pineapple is loaded with potassium, is low in sodium, and contains an enzyme called bromelain, which aids digestion and breaks down protein. This super berry reduces inflammation and is proven to reduce bloating.
It may be the most obvious one on the list, and let’s be honest here. Chances are you don’t drink even nearly enough of it. Water is simply essential to your overall health.
Staying hydrated will keep everything moving along smoothly in your digestive tract. Drinking water before your meal will prevent you from overeating. At the same time, drinking water after your meal will help rid of excess sodium and reduce bloating.

Wrapping Up
There is only one you and every body is different. Not everyone will have the same reactions to the same foods. Keeping tabs on what you eat and how it makes you feel may be a good option. This way you can know what bloats you and try to avoid it.
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