You’ve entered the right place! Keeping yourself healthy, fit, gorgeous, and happy – there’s a lot to handle. Work, diet, leisure time, food preferences, work, gym, cheat day, pandemic, office hours – no wonder that the human body gradually hunches into a truffle-figure question mark (that’s the reality). Juggling all these things is a no-brainer, […]

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Christmas Survival Guide: Prevent Yourself From Constipation
“My colon’s on overload I need to fill up my commode Want it to pass through All I want is some number two” Right after the carved and hollowed-out pumpkins start to wit, December hits with Mariah Carey’s Christmas anthem with all its mistletoe-charms, bells, candy canes, and festive mood. It’s crazy. Hey, it’s Christmas, […]

Breaking Down the Mediterranean Diet
Healthy, Ethnic, and Diverse Beauty of the Mediterranean Diet. The word itself makes your mouth water and creates vivid images of sun, siesta, fresh seafood, and island-beach breeze. Nowadays, through a wide array of diets, the Mediterranean diet springs to the top as one of the healthiest and most pleasant. Unlike other strict eating patterns, […]

Easy Ways To Include Fiber In Your Diet
It’s time to face the music. Many of us have digestive problems, and the reason for the struggles is usually simple: not enough fiber. The human body depends upon a number of nutrients to maintain normal functions and efficient metabolism. This is why fiber is so important. If you are not getting enough fiber in […]

Buddha bowl for your gut
Bloating. We all get it… It’s nothing to be ashamed of… Even when you accidentally let one rip where you shouldn’t. However, if you feel like your gut is going to burst after every meal, chances are your gut isn’t happy with some of your lifestyle choices. And that leads to… Well… Let’s just say […]

Always Bloated? What Foods to Avoid and What Foods to Eat
Ever feel like you need to unbuckle your jeans after your meal to swap them out for the baggiest sweatpants you’ve got? And then still end up looking and feeling like you are about to have a food baby? This bloating can be caused by the types of food that you eat. So before you […]

Are Strawberries the New Superfood?
“You are what you eat,” as they say. This saying holds more merit than most others. After all, what we eat in our day-to-day life has a tremendous impact on our health. While healthy eating habits are at the heart of keeping our bodies running like well-oiled machines, even one low-quality or highly processed meal […]

Why You Should Have More Strawberries in Your Diet
Gut health is essential for every single one of us. It can make the difference when suffering from constipation, diabetes, and many other conditions. Here, the saying “You are what you eat” is spot on. Healthy eating doesn’t mean living off of kale or dry-boiled chicken. There are even sweet treats that can do a […]

What to Eat and Avoid: Intermittent Fasting Food List
Don’t know what to eat during intermittent fasting? Get the most out of your weight loss journey with the ultimate intermittent fasting food list, backed by science. Eating during intermittent fasting (IF) can be confusing. This is because IF is not a diet plan but an eating pattern. Keeping this in mind, experts at DoFasting […]
Poop like a winner, lose weight the easy way!
ColonBroom is a safe and effective way to relieve constipation, lose weight and cleanse your body. Take a quiz to see how it can help you.